
Showing posts from February, 2022

LO4 .1.2.3: Be able to record cinematic footage

  PASS: for the camera and lighting settings we had ensured that are ISO was lower since we were in an open area with lots of well lit area so that the overall footage was made to be an exceptive brightness. If the ISO was to be more sensitive than the footage we have would be overly bright making the quality of the footage lower. We had a mixture of natural light and attached lighting to the camera. On camera lighting was then used so when close ups were done so that the quality of our lighting remained higher quality. Having it so that the quality of our lighting and the setting we used on the camera are high it allows us to ensure that the film is engaging for the viewers, relating to our genre being a psychological drama. if we wanted to have specific scenes to be darker then we would ensure that our Aperture would be lower, the lowers the aperture the less light that is let into the camera, allowing us to create more tense scenes.  Settings for things such as the frame rates can b

LO3.1/.2: Be able to plan the recording of a cinematic quality scene

    PURPOSE   The purpose of our film is not only to entertain our audience but also to inform them about DID ( Dissociative identity disorder). DID is a mental health condition in which people have two or more separate identities. These personalities control their behavior at different times. Each identity has its own personal history, traits, likes and dislikes. We intend to have our audience learn something about the condition whilst also being entertained by the content. By addressing this in our short film, many people will likely find it easier to take in the information since it will be presented visually and they will be able to see what is happening rather than just read about it. FORM AND GENRE The form of our audio-visual product that we are making is a 5-10 minute long informative and entertaining short film. The purpose of our short film is to entertain and inform people on what the mental illness DID is, with a dramatised therapy session. It will help to expose what DID