LO5.2: Be able to edit cinematic quality footage
In our short film we have made sure, through editing, that we have created meaning with the narrative, representations and the connotations. All done with the types of filming we have done, for example with the circular narrative as well as the change of color in post production we had done.
Meaning was created with the narrative with showing the audience how this therapy session is a recurring thing for Connor and how it may affect him, and how this may make the target audience feel. For example, the looped narrative with the councilors clock, which can be related to the Steve Neale's repetition and difference with the clock being a recurring thing throughout the film, with it appearing three times. Footage in the film while Connor is dissociating is continuously blurring and un-blurring, which can be related to the conventions of a psychological drama genre. With the loop of the clock as well as the flashes in the footage can be related to Todorov's theory following an unconventional structure how our footage doesn't run smoothly through with he flashes that show the audience the possible negative connotations that Connor has with the therapy room or with the therapy session itself.
Flashes are used throughout while Connor is walking through the corridors as well as when he is in the therapy room, with flashes to the objects inside as well as the room itself. With these flashes we then decided that we were going adjust the color of the flashes that happen throughout and making them have a red hue. This was done so that it was made ore obvious that these flashes were happening to Connor himself and may reflect his conflicting consciousness with the idea of going to therapy. The color of red was also decided so that it can represent how Connor may feel anxious or as though the therapy session is dangerous for him. This can be related to the theorist Stuart Hall who talked about the preferred meaning of the representations as well as following stereotypes, which the red color that we had chosen had allowed for us to effectively reflect the negative connotations that Connor would have with the therapy room and make that easy to understand for the target audience.
'Our Life' can also be related to the theorist Pam Cook and her idea of cause and effect. This could be when Connor is in the therapists room and when questions are being asked, we had made sure that while filming we had the camera in manual focus so that we could decide when the camera would be coming in and out of focus. This was so that Connors dissociation could be reflected in an effective way to the audience - being related to the theory because while the therapist is asking questions it then makes Connor feel under pressure and triggered causing him to dissociate resulting him to then hear the voices. the idea of the cause and effect also makes it easier for the target audience to understand that due to the therapists questions that Connor responding as he is, with the dissociation as well as the ear ringing sound and the voices is all due to the therapist. with the ringing noise being the key factor for the audience that a change has happened to Connor.
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